Entrance of a tomb

Wall painting in a tomb

Wall painting in a tomb

Main funeral complex at Saqqara

Stepped pyramid at Saqqara
At Luna Hotel, we hired a taxi for the day. Our intention was to take in a number of attractions in the outskirts of Cairo. Our first stop was Saqqara. Saqqara was a royal necropolis of some of the earliest Egyptian kings and nobles, mainly in the Old Kingdom when the administration and religious centre of the kingdom was in Memphis, the capital city of Lower Egypt. Before we headed to the world famous stepped pyramid of Djoser, a staff led us into one of the many tombs in the site. Inside the tomb, magnificent wall paintings are still preserved. Apart from reliefs that depict the royal members and divinities, I was particularly interested in the paintings that illustrate spiritual possessions and ceremonial feasts.
Outside the tomb, we reached the main funeral complex of Djoser's stepped pyramid. The complex was crowded with various tourist groups, each was led by a tour guide holding an umbrella and speaking with a microphone. We winded through the tourist groups while we passed through the funeral complex to reach the famous stepped pyramid. Out of all the mastabas and tombs in Saqqara, Djoser's stepped pyramid is certainly the most famous of all. The massive monument of cascade stone masonry, dated back to 27th century BC, is known as the earliest Egyptian pyramid in the world.
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